( MP3 soundtrack )
I wake up every morning at 7 o'clock and read my emails. I usually write a few words back in reply. Some of the emails make me laugh, every now and then one makes me want to cry.
Yesterday James wrote me an email about his boys playing hide and seek at home on Sunday. They had a great time. Their grandmother was also there, and the boys were a bit shy when it came to kiss her goodbye. Tommy wanted to turn aound and run, but James said that after a quick kiss they could have a nice drink of milk.
After the emails, I usually talk to a friend or two on the phone, and try to give them some good ideas for the day. Then I wait for my friend John to pick me up and take me to Vienna. If the weather is dry and sunny, then I may wash some shirts and hang them on the line to dry. While I am in the garden I often see Mrs Jones with her pram. She has twins and it is hard work for her to push the pram, especially when she has to pull her dog along after her as well. If I have time I open the gate and say hello, I always have to remember to close it again, because sometimes there are young children playing in the garden.
When I look out of my window, across the street I can see a huge garden, and in the Autumn I can smell dry leaves and cut grass. Once I was invited in to walk around among the trees, and I could see the flowers much better. The old couple who live there also invited me to drink some tea with them, and also gave me some cake to eat. Lovely!