Tuesday, June 14, 2011

english / german phrases

english:- Let me put it to you another way
german: - anders gesagt

en - Did you understand clearly what I said yesterday
de - haben Sie (gut) verstanden, was ich gestern sagte

en - I think if we focus on the happiness of our staff we will actually get better results
de - ich meine, wenn wir uns auf glückliche mitarbeiter konzentrieren, werden wir bessere resultate erzielen

en - If "our people are our greatest asset", as IBM used to say, why do they appear as a cost in the profit and loss statement and not as an asset in the balance sheet?
de - wenn 'unsere mitarbeiter unser grösster wert' sind, wie man in ibm sagte, warum erscheinen sie dann als kosten in der gewinn&verlust rechnung und nicht als vermögen in der bilanz?

e - If they are an asset, they would usually be depreciated, however if they were treated more like goodwill or a brand, their asset value should appreciate over time, and indeed if their value goes up we should indeed pay them more, as we actually would expect to as they gain more skills and experience, and we call this a promotion. If we motivate them and treat them well, and measure their performance correctly then we should have no fear about paying them more as time goes by.
de - wenn sie ein vermögenswert sind, würden sie normalerweise abgeschrieben/abgewertet. jedoch, wenn behandelt wie marktwert oder bonitätm würde ihr vermögenswert steigen und wir sollten ihnen aus diesem grunde gehaltserhöhungen geben. das entspräche auch unseren erwartungen, da ihre fähigkeiten und erfahrungen steigen. wir nennen das beförderung. wenn wir sie motivieren und gut vehandeln, ihre leistung korrekt messen, sollten wir uns nicht davor 'fürchten' sie im laufe der zeit besser zu bezahlen.


en - In criminal law, a fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual; the related adjective is fraudulent. The specific legal definition varies by legal jurisdiction. Fraud is a crime, and also a civil law violation. Defrauding people or entities of money or valuables is a common purpose of fraud, but there have also been fraudulent "discoveries", e.g. in science, to gain prestige rather than immediate monetary gain.
A hoax also involves deception, but without the intention of gain or of damaging or depriving the victim.
de -

en - The typical organization loses five percent of its annual revenue to fraud, with a median loss of $160,000. Frauds committed by owners and executives were more than nine times as costly as employee fraud. The industries most commonly affected are banking, manufacturing, and government.

en - Fraud can be committed through many media, including mail, wire, phone, and the Internet (computer crime and Internet fraud). The international dimensions of the web and ease with which users can hide their location, the difficulty of checking identity and legitimacy online, and the simplicity with which crackers can divert browsers to dishonest sites and steal credit card details have all contributed to the very rapid growth of Internet fraud.